1:1 Coaching with Thelese


With this program you will:

  1. Create Work/Life Balance for your current or start-up business
  2. Learn to create a culturally competent work environment
  3. Become an effective and active listener for your growing business and potential stakeholders
  4. Develop ways to address and manage anxiety and negative thoughts as a business owner.
  5. Learn to network in order to build Relational Currency
  6. Work with Dr. Talley 1:1 for three months (value $10,000)
“Get ready to think BIG, work HARD, and EXECUTE, EXECUTE EXECUTE!”
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The Success Formula, Decision + Preparation + Planning + Action = Success, will be taught Wendy Thelese Talley, America’s #1 Goal Strategist Expert.   The process is serious, intense, designed for you to be INTENTIONAL and NON-NEGOTIABLE about your dreams.  Come ready to work!

Steps to get started:

  1. Complete 60 strategy call.
  2. Six 1:1 session with you or you and your business partner. (each session is 2.5 hours)
  3. Unlimited communication via email
  4. Develop clear and concise goals about your dreams.
  5. Create a firm Time Management schedule to ensure your dreams are LAUNCH.
  6. A free copy of the workbook “SMART GOAL and Time Management Workbook” sign by Thelese.
  7. Access to business development resources. Brand developers and Marketing Strategist.

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